Monday, November 3, 2014


Neglect of one's mouth will not only become a compounding future financial consequence but more importantly an overall health issue.  This day and age of implant dentistry or bridgework, nothing compares to your own natural teeth. Fear of the dentist is the leading cause of dental neglect and with my 15 year+ dental experience I have found that majority of these fears stem from going to a dentist as a child. Providing knowledge and establishing trust with my patients have alleviated their fears over time,  don't get me wrong those severe fears may never go away fully  but the trust you form with your doctor will help you overcome or manage these fears.   The oral cavity is a gateway and a sneak peak to your overall health, not only showing possible serious health issues but neglect of the oral cavity can lead to serious health issues. This blog has been created to provide  a forum about various topics related to all aspects of dentistry  and oral health issues. Knowledge from future articles, discussions   and my dental experiences will  answer many of your dental questions. Preventative care will avoid many serious health issues and waiting for dental pain is not the only indication of a serious problem. "We Cater To Cowards" is our office trademark/motto. We are here to help and since I perform all cosmetic general & Implant dentistry from start to finish you only build a relationship with one dentist. Our new dental building has all the comforts of being at home(fireplace, waterfall, TV's in every room, coffee/tea ) & modern technology(Dental  3D Cat- Scan Imaging, Soft tissue laser, digital xrays), this is not your grandfather's dentist  or the dentist you went to as a child. If there is any specific  oral health topics, dental questions or even tooth whitening, please let me know. I hope you follow my future posts and I look forward to our future discussions.

"We Cater To Cowards"

Dr. Michael Kampourakis DDS

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